109 - Understanding Biomechanics Using Guitar Chords with Tyson Franklin

Do you employ new or recent graduates in your podiatry business? Are you frustrated by their apparent lack of biomechanical knowledge and clinical application? If you are, I think I can shed some light on the problem, and I'm going to play my guitar (poorly) to help explain my thinking. 

Like any skill, you will lose it if you do not use it, and biomechanics is no different. If I only picked up a few times each month, I know my playing skills would diminish over time. 

Lost Skills

The same will happen to your new and recent graduates if you do not allow them the ability to apply their biomechanical skills regularly. If they only see a few biomechanical patients per month, expect their skills and confidence to diminish. 

And as the business owner, don't get frustrated when this happens because it's your fault.

Mentoring Pathway

Instead, develop a mentoring pathway for them to follow and be prepared to dedicate time to training.

I developed an intense training program in my podiatry business to fast-track new graduates' knowledge. Therefore, within three months, they would perform at a level equal to my more experienced podiatrists. 

If you want a thriving, profitable podiatry business, you need to develop something similar or get assistance to help achieve this. It's a must-do activity. 

Podiatry Advising & Mentoring

Have you decided to grow your podiatry business this year? We should talk and see if I can be of some assistance. 

You can email me at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com; otherwise, look at my Mentoring page. 


My podcast interviews and other educational videos are added to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Advisor & Mentor. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the notification icon, you'll be informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

Podiatry Business Owners Club

If you want to connect with like-minded, positive podiatrists, consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook. 

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