185 - Having A Positive Mindset with Somnath Sikdar & Lonnie Beck

Master Somnath Sikdar and Lonnie Beck are 6th and 5th Dan black belts in Tae Kwon Do and are co-owners of Dragon Gym in Exton, Pennsylvania. They have both appeared on this podcast previously on episodes 018 and 128

I have just spent three days with them in Tempe, Arizona at our annual business mastermind Business Black Ops, and during our many conversations, they mentioned they would shortly be kicking off their weekly podcast titled, 20 Minutes with Lonnie and Som.

While I had them both in one place, I thought this was an excellent opportunity to learn more. On this episode we discuss:

  • The opening of their third Dragon Gym
  • Client engagement
  • Why there needs to be a balance between diet and exercise, it's dangerous to go too far either way
  • The importance of having a positive mindset
  • Why you’re the sum of the five people, you hang around with most. 
  • To change your environment, you need to change the input
  • The podcast will cover health and fitness, but also travel hacks, whisky and adult beverages. 

Final Tips:

Som: You need to learn to talk to your subconscious mind. Before you go to bed at night, ask your subconscious mind the question, and while you're sleeping, it will search for the answer.  

Lonnie: You need to be conscious of the conversations you're having with yourself, the ones that go on in your head. Make sure you're talking positively. 

Also, when someone is talking, you need to listen to what they're saying, not the answer you want to give. Pause for two seconds, and then answer.  

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Som and Lonnie at Dragon Gym. 

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First 16 Pages of My Book – It’s No Secret There’s Money in Small Business.

If you're a Podiatrist you may prefer to order my first book; It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:  

Ep 018: Mastermind with Dragon Master Somnath Sikdar

Ep 128: Turning Your Passion Into A Business with Lonnie Beck

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