Do You Have A Professional Linkedin Profile?

Linkedin usage is growing at a rapid rate, and if you don't have a Linkedin account, then you need to set one up. 

Linkedin is an ideal way to connect with other business people, both inside and outside the podiatry profession, and if used correctly, it can generate positive business leads and referrals.

I want to point out that I am not a Linkedin expert; I just want to share some of the benefits I think Linkedin offers Podiatrists. 

If You Build It, They Will Come

Since having a well established Linkedin profile, I am usually contacted two or three times per year by journalists asking for my opinion on foot related topics.

They did not contact me as an author, speaker, or business coach; what they wanted was my podiatry opinion. They chose me over others because of my professional Linkedin profile. 

Not every conversation with a journalist leads to an article or interview; however, some do, and I was quoted as the podiatry expert. This published article may or may not lead to further work, and it may or may not lift my podiatry profile; however, you never know, but this is why you need to be in the game.

Don't Sit On the Sideline

No spectator has ever scored that winning goal by sitting on the sideline watching; only the players who take the field will have the opportunity to kick a goal that really matters. 

So if you're not already a player in the Linkedin world, then get on board.

It's Free

Best of all, it's FREE. That's right, it costs you nothing to have a Linkedin profile, yet it could make a huge difference to your career. In addition to the contacts you may make, you'll also find many great business articles, videos and free training. 

It's Not Facebook

Linkedin is definitely not Facebook. Yes, it is a social platform; however, it is a professional platform and business-orientated. No one wants to see what your dog is doing when you're not home, but they are interested in YOU as a business owner and professional. 

Keep It Updated

Once your professional profile is set up, it's important to make sure you keep it up to date.

If your employment status changes, if you update your skills, earn a new qualification, or if you write a book, make sure you add and update this information in your profile.

Nothing shouts UNPROFESSIONAL more than an outdated, incorrect profile.  

Your Goal

Your goal with Linkedin is to make business connections with other like-minded business people, so keep in mind that when you reach out to make a new connection. Also, most people will look at your profile before deciding to accept or decline your invitation, which is why you need to keep your profile updated and informative.  

Don't Be An A-Hole

When someone accepts your invitation to connect, DO NOT be an annoying A-Hole by sending them endless messages about what you can do for them. Just let the relationship develop and add value where it seems appropriate. 

There are a lot of benefits to having a professional Linkedin profile, and I would suggest doing more reading on this topic; and if you want to do specific training in this area, please send me an email at email/tf)(, and I can put you in touch with some Linkedin training professionals. 

Competitive Advantage

If you're looking for a competitive advantage over other podiatrists in your area, you may like to know more about:

12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot

To learn more about the next group coaching program, please visit



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