210 - Business Agility & Team Leadership with Stephen Pozzebon

Stephen Pozzebon is the Regional Head of Organisational Management, Australia & New Zealand for Allianz Partners. 

On this episode, Stephen will be sharing his wisdom and knowledge when it comes to managing and leading teams and business agility, which is especially important right now with how the world has changed with COVID-19. 

We also discuss: 

  • How leading teams has changed with COVID-19
  • Being in Italy before the pandemic hitting Australia
  • Moving 80% of his team to work from home
  • Keeping people connected and social interactions
  • Working at different companies during the GFC and using this experience now with COVID-19
  • Born leadership versus developed leadership
  • The difference between corporate and private enterprise and the speed of implementation
  • Unpacking strategy into proper execution
    • Warm and fuzzy powerpoints by outside consultants are no longer good enough.
  • Changing and adapting to thinking faster
  • Team empowerment and accountability
  • Difference between failing and learning 
  • Setting up FEEDBACK LOOPS
  • Avoiding complacency 
  • How the business landscape will change Post COVID-19 


To lead a team, you don't necessarily need to lay out ground rules, it's more like providing guardrails and keeping the team on the same road. 

Measuring Culture

Doing a survey once per year is not a good measure of culture and engagement of an organisation it's more of a pulse, and therefore it should be done more often.

"One of the biggest mistakes a company can make is watching its closest competitor and not listening to their own customer needs". 

Final Tip

Now, more than ever, you need to be engaged with your people and customer, and if you're a B2B business, the partners in your supply chain.

It's time to listen to your partners and understand what all these parties are going through. You need to support each other, and together you will come out stronger. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please send me an email at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Stephen Pozzebon on Linkedin. 

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Podiatry Business Coaching 

One-on-one business coaching and mentoring is the fastest way to get the results you want for your podiatry business. Please send me an email at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com and let's see if I can help you grow your podiatry business in 2020.  


First 16 Pages of My Book – It's No Secret There's Money in Small Business.

If you're a Podiatrist you may prefer to order my first book; It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. 

Bonus: 12 Secrets to Get More People Through Your Front Door.

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