STARTING JUNE 2020 and until further notice, I will be running my full-day Podiatry Marketing Workshop - 'Success Leaves Clues' as two half-day online events, alternating PARTS 1 & 2 each week.
Each workshop will be limited to 6 attendees, and the fee will $99 per workshop.
Further details and booking links are below.
Booking Links:
Everything is Practical
When you complete Part 1, you will have several marketing ideas that you can implement immediately in your podiatry business, and everything you learn is practical and can be applied first thing Monday morning. (You cannot do Part 2 unless you complete Part 1)
Nothing shits me more than seeing workshops with untested theories presented by people that have not done it themselves. This is why I only share proven strategies and tactics I have used myself or helped clients in their podiatry businesses.
Most of my marketing strategies and tactics have been tested and tweaked over three decades. Yes, I've been around for a while.
So What's Covered in PART 1?
In part one, we cover a lot of crucial foundational marketing concepts such as:
- The Podiatry Journey - Understanding your career path.
- The Red Queen Hypothesis - Knowing what marketing ideas to kill off and why.
- Identifying your HAPPY ZONE
- Using Critical Thinking & Time Blocking in Marketing
- 5 Common Marketing Myths
- Creating Your Unique Story
- Other Limiting Beliefs
- Micro-Story Telling
- 5 Marketing rules that matter
- Difference between STRATEGY & TACTICS
- Identifying your Ideal Patient (or patients)
- What is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?
- Developing Your USP
- Why there are Riches in Niches
- Refining your messaging to your Ideal Patient
- Branding & Consistency
Then in Part 2, we'll cover:
- Creating Cool Headlines That Work (Blogs, Subject Lines)
- Using Photos to Create Inspiring & Create Headlines
- Writing Content
- 3 Secrets to maintaining your mental energy when writing
- Six (6) Pillars of Marketing
- Developing and marketing to your Micro-Pillars
- The right way to do Marketing Pillar Rotation
- Getting on your Professional Referrers Radar
- Mapping points of contact
- The Big 4 Systems that bring your marketing together
- Using Audio in your marketing
- How to use Audiograms
- The Power of Guest Podcasting
- Social Media and Social Proof
- Where video fits in your marketing
Booking Links:
Marketing Is The Major Piece
If you want to have a Thriving Podiatry Business, you need to understand where marketing fits in the puzzle.
You may have an amazing team, supported by well thought out systems and a business plan and vision that makes total sense, but it's your marketing that makes the success puzzle complete.
Success Leaves Clues
If you've been in business for several years, you'll notice your competitors do start to copy you? It is flattering, and it happens because Success Leaves Clues, which is why you need to be continually tweaking, reinventing, fine-tuning and niching your marketing message.
Develop Your Brand Voice
We all know that most podiatrists make orthotics and treat heel pain. But, no other podiatry business has your voice, and this is why it's essential to develop your unique brand and brand personality and make it an integral part of all that you do.
If at the end of the Online Workshop, you feel this event did not meet your expectations, you will receive a full 100% refund within 24-Hours.
If you have any questions about this Online Workshop, please send me an email at or call me directly on 0408 671 966