Let me be perfectly honest; marketing is not easy. Some podiatrists try to make marketing look easy and would like you to believe they have all the answers, but like any skill, it is something you will develop over time.
I've had to work on and refine my marketing knowledge continually, and I still do to this day. I'm on a constant path of learning, mainly because I enjoy marketing and find it fun, which is why I'm always listening to marketing and small business podcasts, reading online blog articles and books, and attending events.
Every year I sift through a ton of information, especially leading up to one of my events or marketing workshops.
Trolls & Haters
Recently, while searching for a particular marketing topic, I came across a link to my first book, It's No Secret There's Money in Podiatry, and to my horror, I came across my first 1-STAR review from a UK Podiatrist by the secret code-name Emil.
My initial reaction was WTF Emil, you wanker, however, after reading the review (see below) I didn't get upset; instead, I felt sorry for Emil. You see, Emil is a troll, a hater, and if you ever get one, it means you're doing something right.
Also, you can pick a troll or hater because they never use their full name, it's always an abbreviation of some sort. They like to hide in the shadows.
Here is the review:
Tyson simply spouts 'gems' of business wisdom anyone over the age of 21 would know. 'Visibility is good', 'location is important', geez Tyson do you really want 10 quid to tell me something I know? My advice is learn from mentors and fellow professionals and give Tyson's book a miss.
Anyway, what stood out most, which emphasised Emil was clueless about marketing and small business, was saying 'anyone over the age of 21 would know this information about visibility and location'.
Osmosis Emil?
My question to Emil would be, how would anyone over the age of 21 know this information? Did they learn it through osmosis? And what about the other 200 plus pages of information in my book?
Emil did have some good advice, 'you should learn from mentors and fellow professionals'.
In our profession right now, we have an abundance of knowledgeable podiatrists, and if you can spend time with them you will learn a lot, and you will learn it much faster than by trying to teach yourself by trial and error.
And this takes me back to my opening paragraph. Some podiatrists try to make marketing look easy, or they would like you to believe it comes naturally, or as Emil would like you to believe, you can learn all you need to know about marketing through osmosis.
Get Better At Marketing
If you want to have a more profitable podiatry business, you need to get better at marketing. It's that simple.
And if you do not have time to read books and online blog articles, or listen to podcasts, you need to start blocking time out in your diary to attend small business and marketing events or at least have someone in your business go on your behalf.
Podcasts, online blog articles and books (even mine) are all good sources of information, but nothing beats attending a live event with like-minded podiatrists.
Get Off Your Butt
Some podiatrists reading this blog post would be aware that I run full-day podiatry marketing workshops each year, but if my dates don't suit you, look around for other ones to attend, and they don't have to be podiatry specific.
And yes, sometimes you may need to get off your butt, take a day or two off of work and travel to attend. Not every event or workshop is going to be in your backyard.
Coaching & Mentoring
But, there is an alternative. If leaving your business and family for a few days is too tricky, start one-on-one business coaching and mentoring, with an emphasis on marketing.
Coaching and mentoring is the fastest way to grow your business, and if you've been thinking about it, bite the bullet and give it a shot.
It is a fun process, and I get a real kick out of helping podiatrists grow their business, but I'm not for everyone because I will keep you accountable.
I've had business coaches and mentors for most of my career, and I still do, but always remember you get what you pay for, and free advice will only ever go so far, which is why I'm not free.
Everything To Gain
However, I do come with a guarantee, unlike other business coaching programs for podiatrists. I will refund your monthly fee in full if you feel my advice was total BS and not beneficial, and we can immediately stop working together.
Therefore you've got everything to gain and nothing to lose.
In the meantime, start reading books and blog articles, listening to podcasts and get along to events when you can. Learning how to market your podiatry business is not a simple journey from point A to point B; it is more like a never-ending winding road with plenty of ups and downs.
If you have any questions about this blog article, business coaching & mentoring, or an upcoming event or workshop, please send an email to
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First 16 Pages of My Book – It’s No Secret There’s Money in Small Business.
If you're a Podiatrist you may prefer to order my first book; It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry.