A Marketing Gem - Offering A Free Book

Giving Your Patients Information For Free Is Gold

Keeping all the information you have in your head is not a smart business or marketing move...You need to share what you know. 

In October 2013 I attended the Top Practices Marketing Summit in Nashville, and I have to say...it was totally awesome. There were a lot of marketing ideas discussed over the 3-day summit, more than I could take in, but the one that really captured my attention, stuck with me, and got me excited was information marketing.

I learnt that if I gave information away for free, in the form of a FREE BOOK, I would be perceived as an expert by the recipients and readers, because as everyone knows...only experts have time to write books. 

It sounded like an interesting concept, so I thought I would put my head down and give it a shot, and eventually, I completed my first patient information book, "Why Do I Have Heel Pain".

There were many topics I could have chosen, but I chose this particular title because it was the number one problem treated at my podiatry business each and every day, so it made sense to write about something that was a common problem, and would have an immediate benefit to my patients. This is an important point...you should always be promoting and advertising the most common and most profitable problems you treat.

Why write a Blog article about corns, callus and warts, if you don't care about corns, callus and warts. 

The Book

It took a little time and effort to write the book, but once it was completed it was very fulfilling, and it has been an awesome marketing tool for my business ever since. Of course, we promoted this free book on my podiatry website, proarch.com.au, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other online marketing avenues, but I also promoted my FREE  BOOK in traditional marketing areas, using various techniques I have developed over the past 20 plus years.

My Numbers

In the first ten months, we posted out approximately 400 copies of my book, and from this, we've had approximately a 25% return. Now if you look at the numbers, 25% equates to approximately 100 + heel pain patients putting their bums in my podiatry chair, which equates to well over $70,000 in additional revenue. 

Now $70,000 is not going to set you up for immediate retirement, but it's a nice little add on to what I was already doing, and I'm sure they're many podiatry businesses that would love an extra $70,000

If you don't already have a FREE BOOK, you need to have one. For further information on how to write and publish your free book please CONTACT ME as I know I can help you get this important task completed. 

Just Get It Done

The general public knows that writing a book takes time and dedication, so if you're prepared to sit down and write a book, they will appreciate it and be prepared to read it. The biggest obstacle is getting started, but once you start and get a little momentum, it's really pretty easy.

You can probably think of dozens of reasons why you cannot write a free book, but seriously, there are more reasons why you should, and there is help available. 

If you're serious about marketing and building your podiatry business, you need to write a FREE BOOK, and if you want help getting this done, simply CONTACT ME as I do have simple formats that you can follow to speed up this writing process. 

"The best thing about podiatry is...no one ever dies and everything can wait until tomorrow...except for your marketing"

If you have any questions about this article, mentoring, or anything else, please send an email to email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com

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