Preparing for Upcoming Events in 2025

In this video, I share valuable tips on preparing for upcoming workshops, events and conferences in 2025.

Here's my advice:

  • Don't overwork to exhaustion before an event; ideally, reduce the number of appointments scheduled. 
  • Be present during the conference. Don't leave the room to answer phone calls from the office. 
  • Don't do other work while you're at the event. Learn to switch off. 
  • Plan your schedule to maximise the benefits of attending. You may take another day off after the event to review your notes and create a task list. 
  • Never leave an event early unless it's family-related. 
  • Arrive a day early so you can settle in and be ready for the next day. Arriving the day of the event is not a good way to start. 
  • Consider who else will attend the event (Speakers, colleges, suppliers). Who do you want to connect with? Contact them beforehand. 
  • Ensure you have your favourite pens for writing, and consider using different colours. 
  • When the event concludes, allocate some critical thinking time and consider this question, "If I attended this event again, what would I do differently"? 

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