Friday, 17 Nov 2023 - Saturday, 18 Nov 2023
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Mantra South Bank Brisbane
I truly believe this is THE BEST two-day podiatry training program in the world; nothing else comes close.
If you want to:
- Become a more attractive and happier employer?
- Be less frustrated and enjoy going to work each day?
- Attract more new patients and keep existing patients coming back?
- Know how to develop better systems?
- Develop a marketing plan that actually works.
If you answered yes to these questions, this two-day event is for you.
Over the past three years, I have delivered the Podiatry Business Reboot program eight times to over 80 podiatrists. To date, they have all been delivered online but on the 17th and 18th of November 2023, I will be delivering my reboot program LIVE for the first time, which excites the hell out of me.
What's Included
We will cover a lot, but do not be concerned about information overload; I've got you covered.
- You will receive an extensive workbook with copies of templates, frameworks, and other useful diagrams.
- Post Workshop: There will be four online Q&A sessions (one per week).
- You can email me with questions as often as you'd like between the four-week Q&A sessions.
- You will get three months of access to recordings of each of the twelve reboot sessions; you can watch and rewatch them as often as you'd like after the workshop.
There Are Cheaper Programs
There are cheaper business programs available, just like cheaper podiatrists in your area, so you need to ask yourself why are they so cheap.
I'll give you two reasons I'm aware of:
- They keep their price low so they can upsell you to a more expensive program afterwards that will give you the content you need.
- Their content is not podiatry-specific because they're trying to please other professions.
The Podiatry Business Reboot is 100% Podiatry Specific.
I want to build the podiatry profession, so I designed the Podiatry Business Reboot for podiatrists and no one else; you will not see a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Dietician in my program.
This program was a real breath of fresh air and helped me see the possibilities of where I can take my business. It also explained and outlined the practical steps I need to take, and was presented in a fun way. Having others in the group to bounce ideas off definitely added value and I love that it was Podiatry specific. - Andrew Jones, Waikato Podiatry Clinic, New Zealand.
Payment Options
Your investment is $1999; however, if you'd like to pay in instalments, you'll need to email me at email/tf)(, and I will provide you with a monthly invoice.
Suitable For Podiatrists Who Want to Succeed
It doesn't matter if 2023 is your first year in business or your twenty-first year; the Podiatry Business Reboot program has been strategically designed for podiatrists who want to succeed and don't feel like spending years trying to reinvent the wheel...and seriously, why would you want to do that.
To date, 79 out of 80 Podiatrists who have completed the Podiatry Business Reboot have said it far exceeded their expectations and changed the way they viewed their podiatry business.
What's Covered Over The 2 Days?
Session 1:
- What it takes to develop a Thriving Podiatry Business.
- The puzzle that makes Systems, Marketing, Scheduling and Team Management work effectively.
- The simple path to Goal achievement.
- The power of Visual Models.
Session 2:
- Be More Appealing (BMA Diagram)
- Becoming an Employer of Choice, not Chance.
- Developing Systems and Frameworks
- Developing the Patient Journey
- The importance of being an early adopter of AI
- Social Proof and Social Media are not the same.
Session 3:
- Developing the Patient Journey (Part B)
- Developing your Patient Reactivation System.
- How to ethically get patients coming back more often.
- Viral Referral System
Session 4:
- Implementing a proven Orthotic RECALL System
- How to track your Recall system.
- How to get past the Practice Managers at medical centres.
- The Referral Triangle
Session 5:
- Identifying Incomplete Treatment
- Why incomplete treatment occurs.
- Developing your Treatment Journeys.
- Identifying weak performers in your team.
Session 6:
- Effective Team Communication.
- The decision-making process and avoiding biased thinking.
- Understanding why patients are not all equal.
- Your Patient Avatar.
- The 4 M's of Marketing.
Session 7:
- Developing a Yearly Marketing Plan.
- Pre-framing treatment plans.
- How to ask for and get more Google Reviews.
- Patient Communication.
Session 8:
- Developing Daily, Weekly and Monthly Marketing Plans.
- Using the 6-Pillars of Marketing in your podiatry business.
- Creating daily marketing habits.
- Social Media Marketing
Session 9:
- Mapping patient touchpoints.
- Getting your team involved.
- Directing the patient's next step.
- Difference between A Podiatrist, THE Podiatrist and MY Podiatrist.
Session 10:
- Understanding, Protecting & Developing Your Brand
- Difference between your Business Brand and Personal Brand.
- Should employees develop their brand?
- Product versus Brand.
- Brand Consistency.
- Top 6 Branding Mistakes
Session 11:
- Knowing Your Numbers.
- Use your numbers to identify your A patients.
- KPIs Versus Statistics.
- What should you be measuring? (Templates are provided.)
- Creating a Dashboard.
- Critical Drivers - What actions do you need to take each month?
Session 12:
- Personal and team conformity.
- Setting rules around your appointments.
- Creating a default diary & getting more done each day.
- How to identify slow periods way before they happen.
If you're still not sure, please pick up the phone and call me on 0408 671 966. I'm here to answer any questions you have.
“Tyson walks you through step by step the fundamentals of business structure. He makes it easy, he makes it fun, and you leave laughing with the others in your group and wanting more!” - Carly O’Donoghue, Stepping Out Podiatry, Australia.
Personal Guarantee
I GUARANTEE that if, after the first day, you do not think my Podiatry Business Reboot has delivered, I'll give you your money back. That's how confident I am.
Remember, Payment Options Are Available
Your Investment is $1999; however, if you'd like to pay in instalments, you need to email me at email/tf)(, and I will provide you with a monthly invoice.
It's Now Up to You
I know this 2-Day Intensive Podiatry Business Reboot will change your business life forever and give you and your business the boost you've been looking for.
All you have to do now is register.